SacagaweaCoin US Mint Dollar 2000p experimental rinse, error coin & mint mark error issues

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This 2000 P-D-P Experimental Rinse Error Coin Sacagawea Dollar above has several US Mint error issues and is a rarity. This apparent Multiple strike OMM Native American Sacagawea Golden Dollar Coin, appears to have several odd mint errors, Over Mint Marks (OMM) were suppose to be a thing of the past with the Mints development of a new coin manufacturing process, however the Mints new coinage processs may prove not to be as flawless as thought to be. Found on the Sacagawea Coin in the youtube video above is what appears to be a "D" mint mark just to the (left) or northwest of the "P" mint mark. Also the color of this now certified as real, uncirculated and non tampered with Sacagawea Dollar Coin appears that it may have been heat or chemically treated at the US Mint with an experimental rinse or anti-tarnishing agent in an attempt to stop spots from forming on these normally shinny magnese coins. This Native American $1 Coin as manufactured directly from the mint ironically is the exact same surface color that some of the Sacagawea Statutes that have been placed at National Parks and in locations around the country have become. Coincidence or intentional testing by the US MINT for the final Sacagawea Dollar coin product ??? Maybe!!! The US Mint released a document that admits metal, heat, chemical, environmental and other testing is approved and allowed within their protocol and contracting with 3rd parties to performn these tests is also allowed to prevent fraud etc. and that regular coinage testing may not reveal exactly what has been done to the coinage. None the less this coin has a very beautiful bronze green surface patina, came directly from the mint and poped up surrounded by 4000 "D" Mint Marked Sacagawea Native American Dollar Coins. Yes this is a huge suprise to discover this 2000p Native American Golden Dollar Designed by Glenna Goodacre in US Postal Service Vending Machine pocket change amongst 4000 other shiny 2000d Sacagawea Dollar Coins in the year 2000 at the very 1st introduction of the Sacagawea Native American Golden Dollar Coins into circulation. This was at the Same time the Mint was placing the renounded Sacagawea Cheerios Dollar in boxes of cheerios cereal. This "P" Mint marked coin had no place being in the same brand new mint bags as 4000 shinny "D" Mint Marked Sacagawea coins.
2000d Sacagawea Error Coin Us Mint Native American Dollar experimental rinse Error Coin

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This Mated Error Coin 2000d Sacagawea Native American $1 Coin above has its share of issues also. If there was no room for any more errors at the US Mint this 2000d Native American Golden Dollar Coin would never have come out of the same postal vending machine as the 2000p above looking like this being an uncirculated coin directly from a brand new mint bag at the very begining of the Sacagawea Dollars introduction into general circulation. Also ironically this redish-brown-golden very dark bronze coin has the exact same surface colors as some of the Sacagawea statutes placed at some National Parks in and around the country. The US Mint released a document that admits metal, heat, chemical, environmental and other testing is approved and allowed within their protocol and contracting with 3rd parties to preform these tests is also allowed to prevent fraud etc. and that regular coinage testing may not reveal exactly what has been done to the coinage. Coincidence or intentional coloring by the US Mint??? This Sacagawea coin was was designed by Glenna Goodacre and appears to have been completely submerged in a dark reddish brown chemical bath durring it's manufacture at the US Mint. This coin came out of the same vending machine with the 4000 other shinny "D" mint marked Sacagawea coins. This could very well be an anti-tarnishing chemical that the Mint applied in an attempt to stop spotting and it did not rinse off this coin and this one is a "D" which would make this coin one of a few very rare test specimens that got away from the US Mint. Both of these coins The D and the P were found in the same new mint bag? Thats a mystery and both have huge errors. And you can see more in my other youtubes. Please subscribe to my youtube channel for further discoveries and order a couple of these beautiful coins from my website. Who knows you may get a very special one, but even if you don't you could always spend them:) Thanks for you time and please remember to subscribe for future discoveries and research on just what may have happened to these coins.
2023 Native American Sacagawea Dollar Set.
Release Date: February 6th.We only use US Mint Bags and we do not inspect or remove any coins, if the next coin happens to be a rare mint error, special strike or whatever, you get it. So, pick up a set, take look at our youtubes and you'll see some very interesting Sacagawea Dollars that we discovered back in 2000.